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Sunday, January 31, 2010



I would like to ask you today about the Surah you have listened to I have said before ........ Listen as much as you can to familiarize.
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I am very eager to help you through your learning process for Quran Tajweed ......God bless your efforts to learn inshallah.

Hey .......did I mention before the literal meaning of tajweed Arabic ? simply means ......
Intonation .......improvement make better...

Our lesson today is simple and easy ............Vowels......

Vowels In Arabic( Qur'an)  language :

Hmmm so open your mind and soul and ear and Let's start.........did you take your coffee today ???...
 The vowels simply as you know in English language are :  A - E - O - U - I ....
In Arabic language  we will consider only  :   A - I - O and forget about the other two U - E

A will be in Arabic  ا ...letter Alef......first letter in the Arabic alphabet.

I  will be in Arabic  ي
 letter  yaa ...........last letter in the Arabic aphabet.

O will be in Arabic  و .... Letter " waw " .....funny one isn't it ? ...I am sure you will not forget it.

Three vowels ......these three balloons, sure will remind you about them.

How do you practice them  ? ....good question........Let's do it with examples.

I would love at that point to address the importance of following also my other blog : it contributes very well to understanding Qur'an Tajweed the proper way.

Examples of letter (vowel)  Alef : ا  from Qur'an :

جبال  - أسماء - ماء - سماء - بناء - كتاب - أرسلنا - سحاب - عذاب - النار - جان 

to translate these words from right to left  :

  mountains - names - water - sky - building- book - we sent - clouds - torment - hell fire - genie 

The most important thing is to notice letter  Alef :   ا in these words and to do it by opening the mouth like saying  : aaah

Examples of  letter( vowel ) waw : و  from Qur'an :

 جنود - موسي - هود - نوح - داود - لوط - بروج - موعود - طالوت - جالوت
To translate these words from right to left :

soldiers - prophet Moses - prophet Hud - prophet Noah - prophet David - prophet Lut - towers -
 promised ( promised day or judgement day) - Taloot ( Childern of Israel's king who killed tyrant Jaloot Surah Al-Baqarah ) - Jaloot ( the tyrant who was killed by Taloot ).

The most important thing here is to notice letter waw : و in those words and to do it by circling the lips as you are going to kiss.

Examples of letter ( vowel) yaa  : ي  from Qur'an 

شهيد - اسرائيل - جبريل - ميكاييل - الفيل - ابراهيم - اسماعيل - تسنيم 

To translate these words from right to left :

Martyr - prophet Jacob ( Israel) - angel Gabriel - angel Michaeel - the elephant - prophet Ibraham - prophet Ismael - Tasneem ( a name of well in the paradise with sweet pure water for believers ) 

The most important thing is to notice letter yaa: ي  in those words and to do it by lowering the lower jaw .

We are not done yet from our second lesson about vowels .......the next post I will complete inshallah with more details .........

Your assignemnt for today is to try to practice those words up there .....using a paper and pencil .....
Try to familiarize your selves with the concept of vowels ......which is easy .....

Salam .  

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