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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

non vowelling accents


Hey ?......which surah did you listen to yesterday? ......Today we are going to talk about non vowelling accents..........
Last time we talked about vowelling accents and how it drives the letter to how it should be pronounced .....

Have you ever thought about non vowelling accents ? ...........yes, there are two....Also those two lie under

Tashkeel  or in Arabic language : تشكيل

It means literally " shaping " as it shapes the tone of  letter's  pronunciation (refer to previous post ).

 1-  Sokoun :  It shows as a little circle on the top of the letter...... let me show an example ....

Here you can see it on the top of letter dal  :    ْد
This sign or accent orders you to stop driving the letter anywhere ........just pronounce it as it is .....and here in our example .......we are not going to say :  daa    doo   dee
we will only pronounce it as it is  : d

we call this accent Sokoun ........which means in Arabic language literally silence ....which means no vowelling accents here.

2- shaddah : It shows like three tines of a fork and It lies on the top of a letter........with the same example...this time on the letter "meem "..... م

Shaddah orders you to pronounce the letter twice at the same spot as you are stressing on that letter.

Shaddah means literally in Arabic language .......( to pull ) if you are pulling the letter to pronounce it twice .

In most cases you see in Quran the accent Shaddah is accompanied with one of the vowelling accents :
( fat'hah -cus'rah -dammah )

for example :
                         دُّ    دِّ     دَّ                 
At this point,  what you have to do is to stress on the letter as if you are pronouncing the letter twice  plus driving the letter to where the accent takes (drives) you  ......up with fat'hah ; down with cus'rah ; or to circle your lips with dammah.
I hope it is clear .... , I am waiting for your comments and questions.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

vowelling accents


Today I am going to present a new but familiar thing in Arabic language as they are vital for reciting Qur'an the proper way 

.....dramatically important as they may change the meaning of the word totally and sometimes flip it.

I call them " vowelling accents " Arabic language it is very well known as " Tashkeel " 
Also, vowelling accent is an indicator of the Arabic language grammar rules if it is placed on the top or base of the last letter of a word.
If it is placed on the top or base of the letter ( at the beginning - mid ) of a word, it will give you an indicator on how to pronounce the letter the proper way.

DAAAAAAAAAAA ...did I lost you ? is easy ....just be patient .......I will explain in this post some of these issues.ً

Why do I call them " vowelling accents " ?....(.important question before I start).......because they behave as vowels but not in a full power.......then why accents ? they are placed on the top or base of the letter exactly as French language accent .

Vowelling accents :
the are 3 vowelling accents only .......easy , is not it ?....

 1-  Fat ' hah  (it shows on the top of the letter)
2-   Dhamm'ah (it shows on the top of the letter)
3-  Cus'rah ( it shows under the letter)

>> .....  watch this video please.

So as you notice in this video that :
Fat' hah happens when you open your mouth at the last step of pronouncing the letter as you are adding  :  aa
Dhamm'ah happens when you circle your lips as you are going to kiss.
Cus'rah happens when you lower your lower jaw and it shows under the letter

It is important to give each letter in any word the special vowelling accent especially at beginner's level as vowelling accents help you in pronouncing the words properly .

vowels and vowelling accents resemble each other in ( how -to) pronounce ( or drive ) the letter accompanied with or attached to).

to drive it up with   aaaaaaaaaa
to drive it down with   iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
to drive it into with     oooooooooo

Pronunciation Example

مُحَمَدِ          Moo haa  maa  dii
مُحَمَدُ        Moo haa maa doo
مُحَمَدَ         Moo haa maa daa

I hope it is clear now !!  ....send your comments and questions .....I will reply inshallah.

Sunday, January 31, 2010



I would like to ask you today about the Surah you have listened to I have said before ........ Listen as much as you can to familiarize.
Also if you love this blog and love to learn from regularly ......sign up as a follower in order to have this blog open to serve you the right panel down there you will see signing up icon...this will enable you as well to be updated ....
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I am very eager to help you through your learning process for Quran Tajweed ......God bless your efforts to learn inshallah.

Hey .......did I mention before the literal meaning of tajweed Arabic ? simply means ......
Intonation .......improvement make better...

Our lesson today is simple and easy ............Vowels......

Vowels In Arabic( Qur'an)  language :

Hmmm so open your mind and soul and ear and Let's start.........did you take your coffee today ???...
 The vowels simply as you know in English language are :  A - E - O - U - I ....
In Arabic language  we will consider only  :   A - I - O and forget about the other two U - E

A will be in Arabic  ا ...letter Alef......first letter in the Arabic alphabet.

I  will be in Arabic  ي
 letter  yaa ...........last letter in the Arabic aphabet.

O will be in Arabic  و .... Letter " waw " .....funny one isn't it ? ...I am sure you will not forget it.

Three vowels ......these three balloons, sure will remind you about them.

How do you practice them  ? ....good question........Let's do it with examples.

I would love at that point to address the importance of following also my other blog : it contributes very well to understanding Qur'an Tajweed the proper way.

Examples of letter (vowel)  Alef : ا  from Qur'an :

جبال  - أسماء - ماء - سماء - بناء - كتاب - أرسلنا - سحاب - عذاب - النار - جان 

to translate these words from right to left  :

  mountains - names - water - sky - building- book - we sent - clouds - torment - hell fire - genie 

The most important thing is to notice letter  Alef :   ا in these words and to do it by opening the mouth like saying  : aaah

Examples of  letter( vowel ) waw : و  from Qur'an :

 جنود - موسي - هود - نوح - داود - لوط - بروج - موعود - طالوت - جالوت
To translate these words from right to left :

soldiers - prophet Moses - prophet Hud - prophet Noah - prophet David - prophet Lut - towers -
 promised ( promised day or judgement day) - Taloot ( Childern of Israel's king who killed tyrant Jaloot Surah Al-Baqarah ) - Jaloot ( the tyrant who was killed by Taloot ).

The most important thing here is to notice letter waw : و in those words and to do it by circling the lips as you are going to kiss.

Examples of letter ( vowel) yaa  : ي  from Qur'an 

شهيد - اسرائيل - جبريل - ميكاييل - الفيل - ابراهيم - اسماعيل - تسنيم 

To translate these words from right to left :

Martyr - prophet Jacob ( Israel) - angel Gabriel - angel Michaeel - the elephant - prophet Ibraham - prophet Ismael - Tasneem ( a name of well in the paradise with sweet pure water for believers ) 

The most important thing is to notice letter yaa: ي  in those words and to do it by lowering the lower jaw .

We are not done yet from our second lesson about vowels .......the next post I will complete inshallah with more details .........

Your assignemnt for today is to try to practice those words up there .....using a paper and pencil .....
Try to familiarize your selves with the concept of vowels ......which is easy .....

Salam .  

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Letter vocalization

I would like to remind you with the honor you pursue from learning how to recite the holy Qur'an in prophet Mohammed 's hadiths:

 " On the day of resurrection , the Qur'an will petition Allah to cloak the one who was a companion of the Qur'an . ".....the one who recite often with care.

 "Such a person as recites the Quran and masters it by heart, will be with the noble righteous scribes (in Heaven). And such a person exerts himself to learn the Quran by heart, and recites it with great difficulty, will have a double reward."


The holy Qur’an contains 114 surahs; each surah contains Aayat; each Aayah ( the singular)
 contains words, and each word contains  different letters. 
To recite the Quran properly you've got to pronounce each letter from its proper articulation
 point ( proper vocalization ), with all of each letter’s characteristics to achieve excellence
What is  letter vocalization ? It is a sound that depends on a defined parts in the human
 mouth .
 Air vibrates normally in nature and in human mouth in four different ways : 

  1. Strong collision of two bodies.  An example of this is knocking the door.

  2. Parting of two bodies from each other, and between them there is a strong bond.  An example of this is tearing paper.

  3. Vibration of a body.  For example, a tuning fork.

  4. Strong friction of an object on another object. This could be exemplified by dragging a heavy box on asphalt.

I would like to ask you then to train yourself on how to spell each letter properly as this the first exercise you should do as a beginner.
Reciting quran is easy............remember that as god always repeated in many suras in Quran  and remember that you will be double rewarded at the beginning till you master it soon inshallah .

Quran 's followers are the most who god shower them with mercy and guidance and they are his indeed (subahanhu wa ta'ala ).
Another thing which not less important than all upcoming lessons is  to familiarize ........always listen order to familiarize yourself  fast.

follow us daily !


Sunday, January 24, 2010



At the beginning I would like to thank Allah ( subhanaho wa ta'laa) that he (the greatest) made it easy for us to share such a holy powerful precious knowledge together on the web ....with no geographical boundaries !!

so keep following ....sign up all my upcoming posts will be dependent on each other.......stay tuned and follow me !

be aware that all the holy quran is situated upfront in our blog...........enjoy !
Also all 5  payer times are available on the right of the page matter where you are!

In my first post I would like to announce both my two blogs :

1- the one we are on.. right now .. tajweed for non arabic

2- the second one is for teaching Arabic language which contribute greatly to how to read Quran .

At the beginning I would like to thank Allah ( subhanaho wa ta'laa) that he (the greatest) made it easy for us to share such a holy powerful precious knowledge together on the web ....with no geographical boundaries !!

so keep following ....sign up all my upcoming posts will be dependent on each other.......stay tuned and follow me !

be aware that all the holy quran is situated upfront in our blog...........enjoy !
Also all 5  payer times are available on the right of the page matter where you are!

Salam for now